Digital Footprint

A person sitting in front of a computer with a soda on the desk.
Students learn about the trail of data they leave online by tracking an unsavory character through digital footprints.
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Teach Awareness of the Digital Self

Cast a light on how your students' information can be left and tracked online.

Document describing private information.

Private & Public Information 

This game highlights the specifics of what details an internet user could leave about themselves online and how both private & public information can be tracked.

Document describing cookies.


Digital Footprint demonstrates what cookies are and how they can track a user's online habits.

Game inteface showing how a user protects their digital footprint.

Protecting a Digital Footprint

Covers ways users can protect their online persona—avoid sketchy websites, clean out cookies, and more.

Document describing how online interests are tracked.

Online Interests

Shows students that every action they take online has the potential to be tracked and sold to outside parties.

An assignment being graded.

Simplified Grading

Courses are automatically graded so you can spend more time teaching!
A globe spinning on a student's finger.

Hands-On Learning

Help students grow individually with a virtual world of decision-making.
A progress bar with a leafy plant growing out of the middle of it.

Progress Monitoring

Progress tracking and clear decision trees monitor your students’ growth.

Banzai is FREE for teachers and students. Go ahead.

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