Cost of College

College student with a backpack and pamphlets.
Do your students know how much a year of secondary education will actually cost them? This game will help them find out.
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Prepare for the True Cost of an Education

Help your students break down the full cost of attendance for their dream school using data from over 8,000 universities, colleges, and trade schools.

Cost of College game interface teaching about tuition and fees.

Tuition & Fees

Instantly shows students the costs of their chosen schools, including tuition and fees, using data from the school itself.

Cost of College game interface showing housing and utilities.

Housing & Utilities

Guides students through researching where they will live they attend school and how much that will cost them.

Cost of College game interface asking about transportation.

Food & Transportation

Asks students to consider other important aspects of their budget, such as transportation to class, meal plans vs grocery shopping, and more.

Cost of College game interface asking about monthly entertainment budget.


What fun is college without a little fun? Cost of College includes this as a consideration in the student's budget.

An assignment being graded.

Simplified Grading

Courses are automatically graded so you can spend more time teaching!
A globe spinning on a student's finger.

Hands-On Learning

Help students grow individually with a virtual world of decision-making.
A progress bar with a leafy plant growing out of the middle of it.

Progress Monitoring

Progress tracking and clear decision trees monitor your students’ growth.

Banzai is FREE for teachers and students. Go ahead.

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